The Application of Interactive Display in Teaching

With the advent of the information age, multimedia technology, as a new type of teaching method, is widely used in various teachings, arousing students' interest in learning, rendering the teaching atmosphere, and breaking through teaching difficulties.
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With the advent of the information age, multimedia technology, as a new type of teaching method, is widely used in various teachings, arousing students' interest in learning, rendering the teaching atmosphere, and breaking through the difficulties of teaching. METZ's new interactive all-in-one machine replaces the old-fashioned electronic whiteboards, computers, and projectors. It has the characteristics of ease of use and comprehensive coverage. It realizes the sharing of teaching resources and satisfies the resources of classroom interactive information teaching need. In this regard, the article briefly describes the application of interactive multimedia systems in teaching.
The use of network-based interactive multimedia in teaching has become increasingly popular as a result of the quick growth of information technology. Information from traditional teaching methods is isolated, there is only one way to express oneself, there is little interaction, and the outcome is subpar. The practice has shown that instructional engagement is essential for a better learning outcome. The powerful and comprehensive features of the interactive multimedia teaching system can enhance students' motivation for studying and learning outcomes while also improving the scientific rigor and effectiveness of classroom instruction. It deserves extensive use and promotion since it improves teachers' instructional strategies.
Teaching mode: Currently, the majority of colleges and universities still employ traditional or multimedia teaching methods. Even while the multimedia teaching mode can intuitively display educational content including text, voice, graphics, and video and television, it is still mostly controlled by teachers, and pupils only receive passive instruction. It is a "one-way" kind of instruction. The educational outcome could be better. Therefore, it is essential to alter the manner of instruction and enhance the efficacy and standard of instruction.
The application of an interactive display integrated computer teaching system:
1. Utilizing interactive multimedia tools increases students' interest in their studies.
The vividness, picture, and great efficiency of the interactive multimedia system are its main features. Its use has successfully sparked students' passion for participation. Additionally, the use of an interactive multimedia system achieves situationalization and animation that cannot be accomplished through conventional teaching, draws students in through the use of visual and auditory elements, assists them in simplifying the complex, and converts abstract knowledge into clear and understandable content. Encourage pupils' interest in learning and increase their enthusiasm for learning.
2. Change the relationship between teachers and students, making them the primary focus of instruction.
Traditional teaching places the emphasis on the teacher and places the pupils in a passive role, which dampens their excitement for learning. With the use of an interactive multimedia system, the teacher has transitioned from being the facilitator of the learning process to the instructor of it, as well as the coordinator of the interaction between the students. The advent of the interactive multimedia system gives the classroom life by offering students access to an interactive interface with images, words, and sounds.
Place a strong emphasis on student initiative in the classroom. Students perform the primary role of students in the interactive learning environment by selecting the learning information as per their preferences.
3. Boost student engagement and teacher-student interaction.
The use of an interactive multimedia system throughout the teaching process creates a diverse learning environment. Additionally, the use of an interactive multimedia system by teachers makes their instruction more perceptual and direct, and it makes it simple to employ subject resources for instruction, which makes the learning environment in the classroom more vibrant and fascinating. Additionally, students actively participate in class, which enhances student interaction and keeps things moving. A significant amount of data is also used to support the multimedia system. Teachers can tailor the teaching materials for each subject when they use the interactive multimedia system to educate, which boosts student initiative for learning, encourages psychological investigation, and makes learning more engaging for all students.